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Paternity Leave Compensations

While in the past it was assumed that caring for young children was primarily a mother’s responsibility, today dads play an increasing role in everyday tasks such as diaper change, meal preparation, and more. For this reason, nowadays, unpaid paternity…

Work Experience – How to Calculate It

Work experience is extremely important from several different perspectives. It is not only a way to show and prove different skills in a given field as a result of hours spent providing services or skills related to a specific activity….

Mandatory insurance for businesses

Insurance is an extremely important element, not only on a personal level but also when it comes to business. There are a number of mandatory insurances in Bulgaria, without which a business could not survive. But the truth is that…

GFO – What is it? The Annual Financial Report

The annual financial report is among the most important documents for any business, no matter how small or large. In this article, we will share with you everything you need to know about the AFR. What is an annual financial…

Freelance as Self-employed or EOOD

Freelance work has become an attractive and popular money-making opportunity in recent years, offering a number of advantages and benefits. With inexhaustible potential and prospects to offer a variety of services to Bulgarian and foreign companies, freelancing is becoming one…

Online Store Accounting

E-commerce is gaining more and more popularity and in recent years it has become one of the most attractive areas for creating a business. Running an online store is among the most common practices today. This is by no means…

Miroslav Angelov – Manager and owner of the accounting firm MKAFINANCE

Mr. Angelov, how and when did the idea of creating MKAFINANCE come about? My accounting firm has been serving clients for more than ten years. The idea came about due to the excessive demand for my accounting services from various…

Legal minimum wage and maximum social security threshold

The value of human resources for conducting business operations, the funds that a worker or an employee receives from the employer for the tasks completed, the services provided, or the results achieved, is called a wage.  At a macro level,…

Filing the annual financial statements of dormant companies

An annual financial statement is being filed at the end of the accounting year. It presents a combination of interconnected financial and accounting informational materials that report a company’s returns, as well as its active and passive assets. It provides…

Company registration in Bulgaria – approaches, procedures, and terms

The registration of a legal entity is a mandatory procedure for every entrepreneur that aims to develop legitimate business and meet the regulatory requirements on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. What are the different types of legal entities...

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